How Many Carbs Do You Actually Eat on a Keto Diet?

A good question – and one that I will do my best to answer for you. If you read my last post entitled ‘What are Macros?’ you will know that Carbohydrates, or quite popularly shortened to Carbs, make up 1/3 of the main ingredients to a Keto Diet. Along with Fat and Protein, Carbs play a pivotal role in the diet of most people, however when on the Keto diet we try and limit them significantly.

Typically, an ideal Keto Diet is generally made up of around 70 to 75 percent fat, 20 to 25 percent protein and 5 to 10 percent carbohydrates. The exact number of carbohydrates of each macro will be different for each individual however it is generally around 20-50g a day. If you are on a strict Keto diet plan then you would lean towards a maximum of 20g net carbs a day and if you were a bit less strict, you could go right up to 50g and still successfully be in ketosis.

Remember however, that the 20-50 grams of Carbohydrates you are limited to are net carbs and do not include your fibre. To explain this in a easier format ; Net Carbs + Total Carbs – Fiber. To explain this, hopefully, even easier ; If you were to eat a protein bar, and this protein bar had 10g of Carbohydrates in it and 5g of Fiber in it, you would take the fiber quantity away from the Carbohydrate quantity which would leave you with 5g. So 5 grams of Net Carbohydrates from the Protein Bar, in which you can have 20-50 grams of Net Carbohydrates daily to abide by. Therefore, for new Keto-ers, it makes it more understandable and less daunting – I hope!

Fiber is not counted as it is not Digested.

The Fiber content of all food is not counted in the carbohydrate total because it is not digested – therefore serves no fuelling process other than to help with the digestive processes your body goes through.

I hope this has cleared up how many Carbs you can have a day and what exactly Net Carbs is. Please check out my Recipes to see exactly what we can eat on this amazing Diet! Thanks a lot for reading and remember to follow me on social media using the links below J

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