Keto-Friendly Baked Camembert with Bacon Dippers!

Some may regard it as a festive treat, but avid Keto-ers worldwide whom are following a Keto diet plan are seriously missing out if they don’t indulge in a Baked Camembert all-year round. Comfort food at its finest – not just for Christmas.

Completely Keto friendly, as you can see from the nutrition facts below, this oozy, cheesy delight is beautifully creamy and smooth on its own. However, being the Casual Keto Chef, I have also included a recipe for our ‘Bacon Dippers’ which are absolutely extra special when dipped into the melting cheese. Perfect to curb those ketosis cravings!

The chopped garlic, salt and butter also compliment the cheese and with the cooking and prep time combining to a total of 30 minutes, it proves itself an easy, weeknight or weekend snack for the whole family.

So enjoy this easy, casual keto snack (or it can even be eaten as a keto breakfast!) by following the recipe below and enjoy! Please leave a comment if you enjoyed and remember to follow me on social media!




Dip your Bacon in the Garlic-Infused Melting Cheese 🤤

I never charge a penny for my keto recipes but if you’re liking the content please buy me a Coffee!

Nutrition Facts

Amount Per Serving (70 g)

Calories 219          Calories from Fat 1071

% Daily Value*

Fat 119g                183%

Saturated Fat 10g  63%

Trans Fat 0.4g        0%

Cholesterol 45mg  15%

Sodium 565mg      25%

Carbohydrates 0.7g        0%

Fiber 0.1g              0%

Protein 12.4g                  25%


-2 Cloves of Garlic

-1 Camembert Wheel


-10g Butter

-6 Rashers of Streaky Bacon


  1. Preheat your oven to 180c or 355F
  2. Remove the Camembert Cheese from the packaging but leave it in the bottom half of the cardboard packaging. Score the top of the cheese diagonally once and diagonally again. In the same pattern you would score Pork Belly
  3. Finely chop the two cloves of garlic and combine with the butter and salt in a bowl
  4. Brush the garlic butter mix evenly over the top of the scored cheese making sure it fills the cracks in the wax of the cheese
  5. Remove the Bacon Rashers from the packet and place evenly spaced out on an oven rack, making sure they don’t overlap
  6. Bake both the Camembert and Bacon for 25-30 minutes until the cheese is melted all the way through and the bacon is crispy and is of an adequate crispy strength to support the gooey cheese to your mouth
  7. As mentioned in point 6 – use the bacon as dippers for your melted cheese and enjoy! Honestly this is comfort food at its finest!

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