5 Health Benefits of the Ketogenic Diet

The Ketogenic Diet is not only a fat-burning machine of a lifestyle; it also has many scientific health benefits – the stuff we don’t notice when we look into the mirror. A low-carb diet not only causes more weight loss but it also actually leads to major improvements in most risk factors for heart disease…

5 Tell-Tale Signs You’re in Ketosis

So if you’re reading this post I imagine you’ve read my other Keto Guides and know that I explain everything from the absolute basics. If haven’t and you’ve just started this diet, or are planning to start then I recommend you read the previous 4 guides to grasp a better understanding of how this whole…

The Best Low Carb Vegetables for a Keto Diet

Vegetables are an absolutely pivotal staple of a healthy, low-carb, Keto diet, but sometimes it can be quite difficult to differentiate from which vegetables are Keto-friendly and which ones could potentially kick you out of Ketosis! Some vegetables are very high in sugar and nutritionally they are not up to scratch so we need to…

How Many Carbs Do You Actually Eat on a Keto Diet?

A good question – and one that I will do my best to answer for you. If you read my last post entitled ‘What are Macros?’ you will know that Carbohydrates, or quite popularly shortened to Carbs, make up 1/3 of the main ingredients to a Keto Diet. Along with Fat and Protein, Carbs play…

What are Macros?

This blog is intended to help the absolute beginners wrap their head around this new diet which is taking the world by storm – the Keto Diet. I’ve seen so many of you asking the same questions – and after asking myself a few as well – i thought I would start a blog with…