The Ultimate Keto Cauliflower Bake

I have seen a few cauliflower bakes meandering back and forth on the internet and, to be quite frank, I think a few of them lack the vital ingredients and flavours needed when claiming to be the Ultimate Cauliflower Bake.

Being The Casual Keto Chef, I knew I had to make the Ultimate Cauliflower Bake but make it also easy and casual so ordinary people who don’t particularly want to, or know how to, flambé Bacon rashers or spiralize Garlic.

What you get on this blog is Keto made Easy. Easy and simple recipes that taste better than anything complicated. That’s why I call myself Casualbecause I don’t like anything too fancy. Just simple food everyone can make and enjoy.

This cauliflower bake is garlicky, cheesy and with the bacon it just works so well together. It’s the perfect comfort food and will really curb your cravings for potatoes. Works impeccably well with any type of steak or it can be eaten by itself. But be careful – it’s super tasty so don’t eat the lot!

So enjoy this easy, casual Keto snack (or have it as a main also!) by following the recipe below and enjoy! Please leave a comment if you enjoyed and remember to follow me on social media!

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I never charge a penny for my Keto Recipes but if you enjoyed this recipe please by me a coffee! 🙂

Nutrition Facts

Amount Per Serving (160 g)

Calories 322

Fat 27g      

Saturated Fat 13g    

Trans Fat 0.6g          

Cholesterol 73mg      

Sodium 5518mg      

Carbohydrates  3g     

Fiber 0.1g                 

Protein 16g                  


-5 Cloves of Garlic finely chopped

-1 Whole Cauliflower

-100ml of Heavy Cream

-30g Butter

-1/2 White Onion finely diced

-6 Rashers of Streaky Bacon chopped into small lardons

-1 Tablespoon of Cajun Seasoning

-Salt & Pepper to Taste

-300g of Grated Mozzarella


  1. Cut the Cauliflower into florets and boil in salted water for around 5 minutes, drain and leave to one side.
  2. Preheat the Oven to 180c or 355F
  3. In a large pan, melt the butter and just as it has melted add the onion, garlic and bacon
  4. Once the bacon becomes crispy and the onions and garlic are turning brown, add the heavy cream and clean the bottom and sides of the pan for a minute or two whilst seasoning with salt and pepper – bacon is very salty so be careful here
  5. Add the softened cauliflower and the Cajun seasoning and stir into the creamy, bacon sauce.
  6. Use a potato masher to break down the cauliflower and cook out, stirring regularly, until your mix resembles a creamy mashed potato texture – around 10 minutes.
  7. Scoop the Cauliflower Bake mixture into a suitable roasting dish (I used a glass pyrex one as you can see from the pictures) and evenly top with the grated mozzarella and a touch of black pepper.
  8. Place into the oven and bake for 20-25 minutes until the cheese has turned golden in colour.
  9. Let sit for a few minutes otherwise it will be too saucy in texture, the same reason you don’t serve a Lasagne straight away.
  10. Serve with your choice of meat (or on it’s own). You can also top with freshly chopped green/spring onions and extra bacon if you wish! Amazing comfort food for the whole family!

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